Omega Men - The Omega Problem

An anomaly, identified as Omega Men, has been identifed within The Monolith. Sprites, following the Omega-24 pandemic, appear to have acquired abilities. Further investigation is required to determine the root cause.

Omega Men - The Omega Problem transcript. Page: 8 Begin Flashback
Panel 1:
The panel mimics a news broadcast, featuring a montage of smartphone and security camera footage. Constable Brayson, shotgun in hand, is seen running toward an unseen threat. Deputy Wallace's voice is heard off-screen, urging caution.
Titan News Network ticker reads,

Additional Information


Begin Flashback
Panel 1:

The panel mimics a news broadcast, featuring a montage of smartphone and security camera footage. Constable Brayson, shotgun in hand, is seen running toward an unseen threat. Deputy Wallace's voice is heard off-screen, urging caution.

Titan News Network ticker reads, "Attack. Governments around...

  1. CAPTION: Four Years Earlier
  3. DAVID MILLER (BROADCAST): Constable Sarah G., Brayson...
  4. DEPUTY WALLACE: Wait! We need backup.
  5. CONSTABLE BRAYSON: There's no time for that!
Panel 2:

Cut to a close-up of Riot, effortlessly holding a car above his head. Bullets ricochet off his chest, seemingly causing no harm.

Titan News Network ticker continues, " around the world are struggling...

  1. DAVID MILLER (BROADCAST): ...A five year veteran of the force...
Panel 3:

The angle shifts to behind Riot, who has just thrown the car into the distance. Constable Brayson is seen on the ground, her shotgun shattered alongside her confidence.

Titan News Network ticker continues, " Rep. Robertson to meet with...

  1. DAVID MILLER (BROADCAST): ...and daughter of Sheriff Brayson...
Panel 4:

The car launched by Riot lands with a thunderous impact on a parked police vehicle, causing a shockwave that visibly distorts the air around them.

Titan News Network ticker continues, " with Sheriff Brayson in a joint response...

  1. DAVID MILLER (BROADCAST): ...along with her partner were killed in what police are calling yet another...
Panel 5:

Close-up of Constable Brayson, lying on her back and appearing defeated but still alive. She looks up as if about to be grabbed by the neck.

Titan News Network ticker continues, " response to begin...

  1. DAVID MILLER (BROADCAST): ...ambush style Omega attack!
  2. CONSTABLE BRAYSON (WEAK): ...What ...are
Panel 6:

Riot stands alone, holding Constable Brayson by her hair in his right hand and Deputy Wallace by the neck in his left hand. Both appear lifeless.

  1. RIOT (BURST): I.. am..
  3. DAVID MILLER (BROADCAST): With seven officers injured this month...
Panel 7:

Cut to newscaster David Miller, who is finishing his report with a sense of urgency, emphasizing the need to address the "Omega Problem."

Titan News Network ticker concludes, " new Omega legislation.

  1. DAVID MILLER: ...something must be done to address this Omega Problem!
End Flashback